Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Crash Addicts is a great combination of design, technology and culture. This webpage was designed by LIFECAPTUREINC, a Toronto's inteactive web design company, located in the hearth of the downtown. This is a new company with fresh people and many ideas, dedicated to create a new philosophy of design. I had the opportunity to participate in the creation of this webpage with some 3D animations. There is a very interesting interactivity in the modules designed that the user can even "play in the making" of a car to be used in a crash rally. 3D animation (Rigging and SFXs also) in "THE GARAGE" module was made by me as well as the camera animation and lighting and couple more things in the "DRIVE IN" module. Just follow the intructions to get to the "INTERACTIVE LANSDOWNE" and enjoy it.

The link to the page is situated on the right hand side of this blog, or go to

1 comment:

Juan Reca Live said...

Hola Javier, te felicito por tus animaciones. Que bueno saber de personas tan brillantes y creativas no solo haciendo su trabajo para un publico especifico sino que tambien mostrando el talanje de nuestra gente...

Te felicito y tenes un hijo hermoso bedicion de Diosito.

Que sigas asi y que todos tus proyectos salgan avante siempre,

Julian Andres Rendon C.